
We offer a suite of services

The Existential Enneagram

Enneagram, Existential, Personality, Profile, Psychology, System, Types, Nine, Typology, Wings, Lines, Vices, Virtues, Fixations, Interaction Style, Hornevians, Conflict Styles, Harmonics, Centers of Expression, Centers of Intelligence, Action, Feeling, Thinking, Subtypes, Social, Sexual, Self-preservative, Assertive, Compliant, Withdrawn, Holy Ideas, Counter-Type, Defense Mechanism, Integration, Disintegration, Essence, Ego, Self, Instincts, Stretch, Release, Stress, Motivation, Triggers, Values, Fear, Desire, Vulnerability, Worldview, Spirituality, Philosophy, Stephen J Costello, Stephen, Costello

What type of person are you? – an achiever, a controller, a romantic, a planner, a peacemaker, a people-pleaser, a specialist, a stickler, a sceptic? We tend to look at the world and ourselves through certain psychological lenses – nine in fact – which may filter or distort our view of reality.

Perception, Types,

These perspectives affect who we are and what we do. Usually, we look through our lenses but not at them. How we perceive a problem can be itself part of the problem.

Our eyes see perspective, not truth’, Marcus Aurelius

True, Truth, Perspective, Reality

The ability to take on another person’s point of view is an essential skill. We will need to adjust our perceptual glasses, and add trifocals for hindsight, insight, and foresight. Imagine if we could obtain a panoramic perspective, an aerial or eagle-eye overview, a more objective outlook. This would give us the entrepreneurial edge in business and the existential edge in life. The Enneagram system permits us do precisely that. The Enneagram combines the psychology of personality with the findings of modern neuroscience.

Enneagram Courses

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are’, C. G. Jung

  • Get to know your personality dynamics and patterns of behaviour.
  • Understand and appreciate where other people are coming from, which will have ramifications for personal relationships and the world of work.
  • Gain greater clarity as to what drives and what draws you.
  • Thrive and prosper by acting and responding from a place of presence.


This is accomplished by coming to know your enneatype (core personality structure).


Embark on an exciting personal journey (or gift someone special) through self-paced online courses with the Enneagram as your guide. Find out about:

  • your unique psychological makeup and how others see you.
  • your strengths and weaknesses, flaws, fixations, and unconscious motivations as well as your performance points, sweet spots, potential for personal growth, development, change, and integration.
  • your specific fears, deep desires, and childhood patterns of behaviour, as well as the emergence of your essence.
  • your potential pathology as well as your points of stretch (stress) and security (release).


The Enneagram shows how our surface, shallow personality has masked/overshadowed our essential nature. It introduces us to the deepest layers of ourselves, illuminates our greatest gifts, and shows how we might be getting in our own way, self-sabotaging our desired goals. It reveals the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ of our thinking, feeling, and doing.


You will obtain clarity and insights around your:

  • Values: what matters to you most, what’s of real importance.
  • Vision: what your life is about in terms of the Big Picture.
  • Vocation: what your unique calling/purpose is.
  • Vulnerabilities: your blockages, sore spots, blind-sightedness, Achilles’ heel.
  • Vices: your maladaptive patterns of behaviour.
  • Virtues: your signature strengths.


Self-Discovery: Fundamentals of the Enneagram


You don’t need to know your Enneatype to do this course.

You will receive a lifetime access to all the training materials which include:

  • 4 hours of video lessons, which you can watch in your own time and at your own pace.
  • A follow-along workbook, downloadable as a PDF to print and complete as you progress through the course.

Curriculum includes five modules

Self-Development: Advanced Enneagram


A pre-requisite for this course is to have completed Self-Discovery: Fundamentals of the Enneagram.


You will receive a lifetime access to all the course materials which include:

  • 3 hours, 45 minutes of video lessons, which you can watch in your own time and at
    your own pace.
  • A follow-along workbook, downloadable as a PDF.

Curriculum includes four modules.

Available upon request.

Limited time Offer!

Get both Courses above bundled for a special price up until December 31, 2023!

$180 Bundled Price

Save $40


Whether it’s to a Fortune 500 company or to a less formal gathering, Dr Costello brings his unique gifts to bear on every occasion. He has spoken on a wide range of topics that include meaning, mental health, leadership, communication skills, decision-making, team dynamics, stress and resilience, spirituality, and happiness.

Book Dr Costello for an event or for one-on-one coaching.


The workbooks accompanying these ten e-courses consist of a theoretical component, practical tips, exercises, diagrams, and recommended further reading. All are downloadable as PDFs.

The Power of Persuasion: How to Communicate and Convince

An 84-page booklet. This course on communication and persuasion techniques is intended for those working in the salesforce: advertisers, professionals negotiating a contract or pitching an idea, working in conflict/dispute resolution, peacebuilding, and arbitration as well as all those who have to give a speech/toast or write an essay.


The Big Five: Formula for Flourishing

A 77-page booklet. This course is intended for anyone in need of direction or clarification. It also acts as an aid to those working professionally with clients, customers, patients, or students in whatever capacity, be they therapists or teachers, parents or priests, psychologists or social workers, counsellors or spiritual directors, human resource, or line-managers.


A Guide to Good Decision-Making

A 166-page booklet. Decisions are too important to be left to chance. We need a method to allow us to make great decisions – to discern wisely and well. Powerful and practical techniques will be offered so that your decision-making abilities can be enacted with ease, efficiency, and with remarkable results.


The Wellness Wheel: A 3D Model of Mental Health

A 115-page booklet. This is intended for all those seeking greater mental health. A ‘3D’ model is proposed, based on the principle that we need to be firing on all three cylinders: body, mind, and spirit (in the non-religious sense). Theoretical aspects are conjoined with embodied practices such as the wheel of life, Ikigai, timeline, and autobiography to ground and embody the wisdom gained.


Hot Heads: Antidote to Anger

A 96-page booklet. This is a manual for those working with groups of people or individuals who have difficulties with controlling their emotions. It’s a practical anger-management course. Tools, tactics, stratagems are offered and as well as insights in understanding what’s behind the three types of anger. There are tips for taming temper and an introduction to the ABC model from CBT for emotional self-regulation.


Therapy Technique: For fears, phobias, anxiety, and OCD

A 57-page booklet. This is intended for all those who are phobic or anxious or who have obsessive-compulsive disorder. You will be introduced to a simple, scientific technique called ‘paradoxical intention’, developed by Austrian psychiatrist Dr Viktor Frankl, which can be applied to one’s symptoms by oneself, which has a very high clinical success rate.


The Meaning Map

A 60-page booklet. A MAP (Meaning, Attitude, Purpose) provides a compass to explore one’s inner cartography (‘inscape’ as distinct from landscape). A holistic model of meaning is offered combining theory, experiential exercises, meditations, and journal-work. It can be employed individually or applied in group-settings


Wise Leadership: Principles and Practices

A 176-page booklet. This course is intended for all those who are in positions of leadership or aspiring leadership in teams or organizations.


Facing Fears: A Practicum

A 53-page booklet. This course is intended for anyone who suffers from fears of any kind. It is a practical guide to overcoming and eliminating fear from your life so that it ceases to overwhelm.


Answer to Addiction: Poison to Nectar

A 150-page booklet. This will be of particular interest to practitioners in a wide variety of disciplines who wish to deepen their knowledge of current thinking and treatment around addiction, such as social or community workers, teachers, pastoral workers, prison or probation officers, addiction counsellors, psychotherapists, and psychologists, and those in recovery as well as their family members. It is intended as a workbook for individuals and groups working with addiction. It draws on Eastern philosophy, Western psychology, and the Enneagram to offer a holistic model of wellness – from fixation to freedom.


Workshops and Seminars

Dr Costello offers full-day, half-day, or multi-day workshops and seminars to corporate clients (employees, leadership teams, management, executives), as well as to schools, individuals, and community groups, which are available virtually via Zoom or in-person, in the areas of:


Leadership Principles & Practices


Team Building (Mythmaking, Storytelling) – onsite only


Team Dynamics (with the Enneagram) – onsite only


Dilemmas: A Guide to Good Decision-Making


Persuasion & Communication: Skills & Styles


Creative & Critical Thinking


Meaning at Work


Wellness & Mental Health: A 3D Model


Stress & Resilience

Also available:

Practical Philosophical ‘Walk and Talk’ (in-person only) – Dublin only

To request further information or to book Dr. Costello please click the button below.

Retreat Days

Three options are offered, which are intended for teams, schools, and community groups.

The Manresa Method – Ignatian inspiration

Go forth and set the world on fire’, St. Ignatius of Loyola


The focus will be on ultimate meaning. Topics covered include:

  • Introduction to St. Ignatius of Loyola: brief bio
  • Scripture stories (‘composition of place’ and ‘application of the senses’)
  • Active imagination
  • Meditation
  • Gratitude and forgiveness
  • Cura personalis: existential wellness
  • The Examen
  • The Two Standards
  • Discernment of Spirits: consolation vs desolation
  • Decision-Making
  • Contemplatio


Format: a power-point talk, spiritual exercises, group work, journalling, music, and a mindful walk.

Enneagram Explorations

Discover your personality type in an educational and enjoyable way. Build self-awareness, boost team spirit, understand communication and social styles, and deepen compassion.

  • Ice-breaker game: two truths and a lie
  • Motivation vs behaviour
  • Positive attributes exercise
  • Personality descriptions
  • The Johari Window exercise
  • The nine types (pros and cons)
  • Celebrity typology
  • The three centres of expression: thinking, feeling, doing
  • Lines and wings – development and direction


Format: a power-point talk, group discussion.

The Stoic Surgery

The philosopher’s school, ye men, is a surgery’, Epictetus


  • How attitude shapes perspective
  • The ABC of thinking
  • The alchemy of emotions: anger and fear
  • Stress-management
  • Prosoche: the art of attention
  • Memento mori
  • Amor fati
  • Stoic fork: what I can and can’t control/change
  • Stoic meditation
  • Contemplation of the Sage
  • The three disciplines: desire, judgement, and action
  • Premeditatio malorum (premeditation of adversity)
  • The View from Above


Format: a power-point talk, group discussion, meditation, music, journalling, and philosophical exercises.